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【Photo Essay】Summer in the Philippines
作者:菲律宾游学 来源:www.philstudy.cn    日期:2017/7/17    浏览量:1344      

#菲律宾学英语# #菲律宾学雅思# #菲律宾游学# #菲学英语# #海外游学#

from  LISA
level : Ess Intermediate

I joined the school trip when Monol students 1when to Vigan this summer. Vigan is a historic town. There are cobblestone streets and unique architectural designs because of Spanirds has occupied Vigan in the past. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and that it is one of the few historic towns left in the Philippines.

We took a carriage to go around Vigan. We visited the National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complex. One house has some of President Quirino’s personal belongings and all are well-preserved and there are some beautiful photos of the Philippines inside. We left the museum and went to Pagburnayan, a pottery factory. They make pots by manpower, it spends much energy.  It was my first time to see that. We walked around Calle Crisologo Street, this street has many stores. We bought souvenirs from shops in this street. Most of my photos were taken there. We saw the fountain show at night. It is very gorgeous. This show impressed me deeply. I’m glad to visit this historic town – Vigan. I had a good summer town in this school trip. If you want to visit this historic town, don’t wear too thick clothes because Vigan’s summer is hotter than Baguio’s. However, I had a good summer time in this school trip.


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